Quality Guarantee
Quality is a top priority at QBM Cell Science. Ready-To-Use dissociated cells are batch tested and are used world-wide for academic, clinical, industrial and regulatory applications.
Optimized procedures for culturing cells are provided along with ready access to technical support for general and specific queries about cell culture and the application of assays.
Ready-To-Use cryopreserved primary neuronal cells are batch sampled and undergo QC for viability and examination of neurochemical and morphological characteristics following thawing then culture for 7days. Our cells are compared to freshly dissociated cells in culture.
Cryopreserved ventricular cardiomyocytes are batch tested for electrical activity and synchronous beating (contractility).
You can now have highly consistent primary cell culture results, week in and week out.
Simply thaw and use.
“This is a major advance for neuronal cell culture-based research"
- BIOTECH Magazine
“I did a functional (FLIPR) assay with your rat DRG cells, the results are very good"
- AZ, Montreal