Rat Striatum R-Cp-502

Simply Thaw & Use

Sprague Dawley (E18-19),
4 million cells, 1mL
Store in Liquid Nitrogen


Rat Striatal neurons 14 DIV
anti-GABA (red) anti-PGP9.5 (green)


21 DIV
Rat Cortical & Striatal neurons thawed & co-cultured: demonstrate Glutamatergic synaptogenesis (green)

35 DIV
Rat Cortical & Striatal neurons thawed & co-cultured: demonstrate Glutamatergic synaptogenesis


Prepared from freshly isolated and dissociated rodent brain, these cryopreserved striatal cells are frozen in vials of 4 million cells and comprise a normal distribution of neurons and glia (astrocytes).

These Ready-To-Use primary neuronal cells have a high viability and the same properties as equivalently cultured fresh neuronal cells. Batch tested, the cells are guaranteed high quality, and mycoplasm & bacteria free.

Optimized culture protocol is provided.
Simply Thaw & Culture.


"Your cryopreserved striatal neurons allow us to study cholinergic interneurons in network dynamics and Parkinsons"

- Brain Mech. & Behaviour Lab, Okinawa Inst. Sci. & Technology